Next: Type I Superstrings
Up: Perturbative String and Superstring
Previous: Interacting Strings and the
In bosonic string theory there are two bold problems. The first one is the presence
of tachyons in the spectrum. The second one is that there are no spacetime fermions.
Here is where superstrings come to the rescue. A superstring is described, despite of
the usual bosonic fields
, by
fermionic fields
on the worldsheet
. Which satisfy anticommutation rules and
denote the left and right worldsheet chirality respectively. The action for the
superstring is given by
 |
(25) |
are the superpartners of
and the tetrad field
In the superconformal gauge (
) and in light-cone
coordinates it can be reduced to
 |
(26) |
In analogy to the bosonic case, the local dynamics
of the worldsheet metric is manifestly conformal anomaly free at the quantum level if
the critical
spacetime dimension
is 10. Thus the string
oscillates in the 8 transverse dimensions. The action (25) is
invariant under:
worldsheet supersymmetry,
Weyl transformations,
super-Weyl transformations,
Poincaré transformations and
Worldsheet reparametrizations. The equation of motion for the
fields is
the same that in the bosonic case (Laplace equation) and
whose general solution is given by Eqs. (5) or (6). Equation of
motion for the fermionic field is the Dirac equation in two dimensions.
Constraints here are more involved and they are called the super-Virasoro
constraints. However in the light-cone gauge, everything simplifies and
the transverse coordinates (eight coordinates) become the bosonic physical degrees
of freedom together with their corresponding supersymmetric partners. Analogously
to the bosonic case,
massless states of the spectrum come into representations of the little group SO(8)
which is a subgroup of SO
, while that the massive states lie into representations of the little
group SO
For the closed string there are two possibilities for the boundary conditions of fermions:
boundary conditions (Ramond (R) sector)
anti-periodic boundary conditions
(Neveu-Schwarz (NS) sector)
Solutions of Dirac equation satisfying these boundary conditions are
 |
(27) |
are fermionic modes of left and right movers
In the case
of the fermions in the R sector
is integer and it is semi-integer in the NS sector.
The quantization of the
superstring come from the promotion of the fields
to operators
whose oscillator variables are operators satisfying the relations
stand for commutator and anti-commutator respectively.
The zero modes of
are diagonal in the Fock space and its
eigenvalue can be identified with its momentum. For the NS sector there is no
fermionic zero modes but they can exist for the R sector and they satisfy a Clifford
. The Hamiltonian for the
closed superstring is given by
. For the
NS sector
, while for the R sector
. The mass is given by
There are five consistent superstring theories: Type IIA, IIB, Type I, SO(32) and
heterotic strings, represented by HO and HE respectively. In what follows of this
section we briefly describe the spectrum
each one of them.
Type II Superstring Theories
In this case the theory consist of closed strings only. They are theories with
spacetime supersymmetry. There are 8 scalar fields (representing
the 8 transverse coordinates to the string) and one Weyl-Majorana spinor. There are
8 left-moving and 8 right-moving fermions.
In the NS sector there is still a tachyon in the ground state. But in the
supersymmetric case this problem can be solved through the introduction of
the called GSO projection. This projection eliminates the tachyon in the NS sector
and it acts in the R sector as a ten-dimensional spacetime chirality operator. That means
that the
application of the GSO projection operator defines the chirality of a
massless spinor in the R sector. Thus from the left and right
moving sectors, one can construct states in
four different sectors:
R-NS and
R-R. Taking into account the two types of
one has two possibilities:
The GSO projections on the left and right fermions produce different
chirality in the ground state of the R sector (Type IIA).
GSO projection are equal in left and right sectors and the ground states
in the R sector, have the same chirality (Type IIB). Thus the spectrum for the Type IIA
IIB superstring theories is:
- Type IIA
The NS-NS sector has a symmetric tensor field
(spacetime metric), an
tensor field
and a scalar field
(dilaton). In the R-R sector there is a vector field
associated with a 1-form
) and a rank 3
antisymmetric tensor
and by Hodge duality in ten
dimensions also we have
. In general the R-R sector
consist of
are called RR fields) on the
ten-dimensional spacetime
even i.e.
. In the NS-R and R-NS sectors we have
two gravitinos with opposite
chirality and the supersymmetric partners of the mentioned bosonic fields.
- Type IIB
In the NS-NS sector Type IIB theory has exactly the same spectrum that of Type IIA theory.
On the R-R sector it has a scalar field
(the axion field), an
antisymmetric tensor
and a rank 4 totally antisymmetric tensor
whose field strength is self-dual i.e.,
. Similar than for the case of Type IIA
theory one has also the Hodge dual fields
In general,
RR fields in Type IIB theory are given by
on the spacetime
. The NS-R and R-NS sectors do contain two
with the
same chirality and the corresponding fermionic matter.
Next: Type I Superstrings
Up: Perturbative String and Superstring
Previous: Interacting Strings and the