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In this case the
degrees of freedom are identified. Type I and Type IIB theories
have the
same spectrum, except that in the former one the states which are not invariant
under the change of orientation of the worldsheet, are projected out. This worldsheet parity
the left and right modes. Type I superstring theory is a theory of breakable closed strings, thus it
incorporates also open strings. The
operation leave invariant only one half of
the spacetime supersymmetry, thus the theory is
The spectrum of bosonic massless states in the NS-NS sector is:
(spacetime metric) and
(dilaton) from the closed sector and
out. On the R-R sector there is an
antisymmetric field
of the closed sector. The open string sector is necessary in
order to cancel tadpole diagrams. A contribution to the spectrum come from this sector. Chan-Paton
factors can be added at the boundaries of open strings. Hence the cancellation of the tadpole are
needed 32 labels at each end. Therefore in the NS-NS sector there are 496 gauge fields in the
adjoint representation of SO(32).
Next: Heterotic Superstrings
Up: Perturbative String and Superstring
Previous: Superstrings