The idea that the Universe should be uniform led to the formulation of
the Cosmological Principle, on which most of the current
cosmogonic pictures are based. In one of its versions, the
Cosmological Principle states that the Universe is homogeneous and
isotropic in its spatial part. Under this assumption about the
symmetry of the space-like hypersurfaces, it is possible to show (see,
e.g., ref.[35]) that a system of coordinates can always
be found in which the line element is written as
If the matter content of the Universe can be described by a
perfect fluid, such equations reduce to the system of two
![]() |
(4) |
Based on eq.(2), we define the critical density
such that density values
above, below or equal to
refer to closed, open or flat universes (in the absence of a
cosmological constant term), respectively. Measurements of
the cosmic mean density are usually expressed through the density
. Current limits on its present
, are
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(5) |
Once the
equation of state (i.e., the relation between energy density and
pressure) is specified,
the two Friedmann equations can be solved for the expansion factor .
In the following we recall some particular solutions:
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![]() |
(6) | ||
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One of the fundamental consequences of the Cosmological Principle is
the prediction that the Universe has undergone in the past a
hot phase, during which the cosmic temperature took a much higher value
than that,
, which is today observed for the cosmic
microwave background. The resulting cosmological framework of the hot Big
Bang in a spatially homogeneous and isotropic Universe is so widely
accepted that it received the denomination of Standard Model (not to be
confused with the Standard Model for electroweak interactions !).
Indications point in favour of this model and the most striking and
direct supports can be summarized as follows.
Although the assumption of a homogeneous and isotropic Universe is correct at an early stage of the Universe or today at sufficiently large scales, nevertheless it is manifestly violated at scales below the typical correlation length of density fluctuations, where the structure of the Universe is much more complex. However, this does not represent a problem for the Cosmological Principle, which, instead, would be in trouble if we were observing non negligible anisotropies at scales comparable to the horizon size.
Observations of the Universe on scales similar to the typical galaxy
dimension, kpc, reveal large inhomogeneities and the current
view is that below such scales non-gravitational forces, associated to
the baryonic component of the Universe, are dynamically
dominant. On the other hand, scales
kpc are considered relevant
to the Large Scale Structure. The main difference between small (galaxy)
and the large scale lies essentially in the dynamics giving rise to
structure formation. Indeed, the galaxy mass is determined by the capacity
of the baryonic content to cool down during gravitational collapse, as
the density increases. A quantitative analysis shows that, for masses
, the heat produced during the initial collapse
prevents a further compression [27]. Apart from the details of
the heat production and dissipation, it is clear that, while the efficiency
of the dissipation in a proto-object of dimension
is proportional to
(i.e., to the extension of its surface), the heat production is
proportional to
(i.e., to the mass of the object). Then, it is
easy to understand that a characteristic scale
must exist, such that
the rate of heat production is greater than the dissipation
rate, which prevents the gravitational collapse from proceeding. The precise
value of
depends on the geometry of the collapse process, on
environmental effects, and on the dissipation characteristics of the
collapsing material. Detailed analysis give
values that are very
similar to the typical scale of normal galaxies. The study of dissipative
processes, which determine the internal structure and dynamics of galaxies,
are then essential in understanding the origin of galaxies. However, such
analysis can be very difficult and the details of the genesis and
evolution of structures below the galaxy scales are widely debated.
On the contrary, on scales much larger than the galaxy ones, it is possible to study the formation and evolution of cosmic structure only on the basis of the gravitational dynamics. This evolution follows initially a linear pattern, while later, when the fluctuation amplitude increases sufficiently, it undergoes non-linear phases. For this reason, the large scale dynamics is not so easy to understand. However, on such scales the problem is much better determined and one's hope is to solve adequately the dynamical picture.
On such scales the essential observation is that galaxies have a spatial distribution with highly non-random characteristics. They show a strong tendency to group together forming clusters, while clusters themselves are clumped into ``superclusters'' on even larger scales. The resulting hierarchical appearance of the galaxy distribution suggests the presence of a sort of scale-invariance, which is also supported by several quantitative statistical analyses. The classical example is represented by the 2-point correlation function, which is observed to decline with a power-law shape, having the same slope for both galaxies and clusters, although at different scales and with different amplitudes. Such scaling properties for the object distribution is one of the most relevant characteristics that must be accounted for by any galaxy formation model. The hierarchical arrangement of the clustering is even more remarkable if we consider that it extends from the small scales, where gravitational dynamics are in the non-linear regime, up to large scales where linearity still holds. Therefore, a detailed statistical representation of the clustering displayed by the distribution of galaxies and galaxy systems is fundamental in order to compare the present Universe with the predictions of theoretical models for structure formation.
Instead of using positions of luminous objects, an investigation of the
large scale matter distribution in the Universe can be efficiently realized
also by observing the effects of the background gravitational field on
galaxy peculiar motions. A direct estimate of the radial peculiar velocity
of a galaxy at distance is obtained by subtracting the Hubble velocity,
, from the observed recessional velocity, once a redshift-independent
estimate of
is available. This kind of distance measurement is usually
based on intrinsic relations between intrinsic structural parameters of
galaxies, such as the famous Tully-Fisher relation for spirals
[33] (which relates the absolute luminosity and the observed
rotation velocities), the Faber-Jackson relation for ellipticals
[13] (which relates the absolute luminosity and the internal
velocity dispersion) and the
relation for ellipticals
[22] (which relates a suitably defined apparent diameter
to the line-of-sight velocity dispersion
). An exciting development
in this field has been the recent completion of large galaxy redshift
surveys and the availability of a considerable amount of
redshift-independent distance estimates (see ref.[31] for a
review). As a consequence, a lot of theoretical work has been
devoted to find methods for extracting the large-scale three-dimensional
velocity and mass density fields from measurements of radial peculiar
velocities. At large scales peculiar motions are related to the
gravitational potential field by linear dynamical equations. In this
regime, it makes sense to address the problem of reconstructing the matter
distribution from the observed galaxy motions. Since the linearity of the
gravitational clustering at large scales should have preserved the initial
shape of the primordial fluctuation spectrum, the reconstruction procedure
could furnish precise indications about the initial conditions. Several
attempts in this direction have been already pursued (see, e.g.,
refs.[4]), with quite promising results, despite the
rather limited and sparse amount of available data.
A further very efficient way to probe the nature of primordial
fluctuations is represented by the investigation of the temperature
fluctuations in the CMB. Such fluctuations are expected to be
originated at the recombination time (corresponding to a redshift
), when matter and radiation decouple. After that
epoch, the Universe became transparent to the electromagnetic
radiation. For this reason, inhomogeneities in the CMB should reflect
the matter fluctuations just before decoupling. In past years, many
efforts have been devoted to detect such anisotropies, with the result
of continuously pushing down the lower limits for their
amplitude. Only very recently, the COBE satellite succeeded in
detecting a significant signal for CMB temperature fluctuations at the
angular scale
. More recently, the BOOMERANG
[3] and MAXIMA [15] experiments have measure the
CMB anisotropies at much smaller scales. The resulting spectrum of CMB
fluctuations indicates that the spatial curvature of the Universe is
close to zero. Such results provide a fundamental support to the
picture that the presently observed structures have grown from very
small initial perturbations in the Friedmann background. In a few
years more refined measurements from the MAP [17] and Planck
[18] satellites at even smaller angular scales should be
able to further restrict the number of allowed initial condition