Next: Orbifold Compactifications
Previous: String Model Building
In order to construct string models in less than 10D as well as to
understand the heterotic string construction, we need to
consider the simplest compactifications which correspond to the extra
dimensions being circles and their higher dimensional generalization.
Let us first see the case of a circle. This means that the 10D space
is represented by flat 9D spacetime times a circle
. We know that a
circle is just the real line identifying all the numbers differing by
is the radius of the circle.
So the only difference with the flat space discussed above are the boundary conditions. The solution of the wave equations are now as in (4).
But now
is an integer
reflecting the fact that the momentum in the compact
direction has to be quantized in order to get single-valued
wave function. The integer
however refers to the fact that
the string can wind around several times in the compact dimension and is thus
named the `winding number'. The mass formula is then:
(6) |
This shows several interesting facts.
First, for
and varying
, we obtain an infinite
tower of massive states with masses
; these are the
standard `momentum states' of Kaluza-Klein compactifications
in field theory. In particular the massless states with
and one oscillator in the compact direction
are vector fields in the extra dimensions giving rise
to a
Kaluza-Klein gauge symmetry. The states with
the winding states and are purely stringy; they represent
string states winding around the circle, they have
Second, there are special values of
which can give rise
to extra massless states. In particular for
we can see that
at the special radius
in units of
, there are massless states with a single
corresponding to massless vectors which in this
case generate
. This means that the special point
in the `moduli space' of the circle
is a point of enhanced symmetry.
The original
Kaluza-Klein symmetry of compactification on a circle gets enhanced to
. This is a very stringy effect because it depends crucially on the existence of winding modes
The third interesting fact about this compactification is that the spectrum
is invariant under the following `duality' transformations [8]:
(7) |
This is also a stringy property. It exchanges small
with large distances but at the same time it
exchanges momentum (Kaluza-Klein) states with
winding states. This symmetry can be shown to hold not
only for the spectrum but also for the interactions and
therefore it is an exact symmetry of string perturbation theory.
Let us now extend the compactification to two dimensions, i.e.,
the 26D spacetime is the product of flat 24D spacetime and a
2D generalization of a circle, the torus
. Again the only difference with flat space is the boundary
conditions. The two compact dimensions are identified by
vectors of a 2D lattice, defining the torus
Out of the three independent components of the compactified
and the single component of
we can build two complex `moduli' fields:
(8) |
is the standard modular parameter of any geometrical
2D torus and it is usually identified as the `complex
structure' modulus.
is the `Kähler structure' modulus
is a complex Kähler space) and its imaginary part
measures the overall size of the torus, since
is the
determinant of the 2D metric. It plays the same role as
did for the 1D circle. In terms of
we can write the left- and
right-moving momenta as:
(9) |
The mass forula, depending on
, again shows that there are enhanced symmetry points for
special values of
. It also shows the following symmetries:
(10) |
are integers satisfying
The first transformation is the standard
`modular' symmetry of 2D
tori and is independent of string theory; it is purely geometric.
The second transformation is a stringy
-duality and it is a generalization of (7)
for the 2D case. Again this is a symmetry as long as we also transform
with winding
The third symmetry exchanges the
complex structure
with the Kähler structure
it is called `mirror symmetry'.
each parametrize a complex plane
, the duality symmetry implies that they can only live
in the fundamental domain defined by all the points of the product of complex spaces
identified under the
duality group
This is the situation that gets generalized to higher dimensions.
In general, compactification on a
-dimensional torus has the
moduli space
points identified under the duality group
For the heterotic string with 16 extra left moving coordinates
a similar modification to the duality group.
The left- and right- moving momenta
live on an
even, selfdual lattice of signature
, which
is usually called the Narain lattice
This generalizes the
lattice defined by the
of eq. (9).
We can easily verify in this case that the dimension of
corresponding to the number of independent
components of
. For
we have a
4D string model with a moduli space of dimension
. To
this we have to add the dilaton field
which, together
with the spacetime components of the antisymmetric
, can be combined into a new modular
(11) |
Here the axion field
is defined as
parametrizes again a coset
. It is then natural to
believe there is also a duality symmetry for the field
of the type
; by analogy with the situation for
Such a symmetry was proposed in ref.[10] and it
has received a lot of attention recently. If true it
may have far reaching
consequences since (similar to equation (7)) it relates
strong to weak string coupling.
Next: Orbifold Compactifications
Previous: String Model Building