We have then succeeded in constructing 4D superstring models
from toroidal compactifications and understand the full
class of these models given by the moduli space .
Unfortunately, all of these models have
and therefore they are not interesting for phenomenology,
because they are not chiral. To obtain a chiral model we should
construct models with at most
If we still want to use the benefits of free 2D theories,
we should construct models from flat space and modify only the
boundary conditions. We have already considered identifications
by shift symmetries of a lattice defining the tori. We still have the
option to also use rotations and consider `twisted'
boundary conditions [11]. As an example let us start with the
discussed before. If we make the identification
we are constructing the orbifold
, shown in figure 2, where the
twist is rotation by
. This space is not a manifold because it is singular at the points left fixed by the rotation
Notice that, for instance, the point
is fixed because it is transformed to
which is identical to the original point after
a lattice shift. In general, the discrete group of rotations defining
the orbifold is called the point group
, whereas the
nonabelian group including the rotations and also the
translations of the lattice
, is the space group
So usually a torus is defined as
an orbifold
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We can easily construct 4D strings from orbifold compactifications
in which the 10D spacetime of the heterotic string is the product of 4D flat spacetime and a
six-dimensional orbifold . The heterotic string is particularly interesting
because we can extend the action of the point group to the 16D
lattice of the gauge group by embedding the action of the orbifold twist
in the gauge degrees of freedom defined by the
say. This can easily be done in two ways:
These embeddings on the gauge degrees of freedom allow us to
break the gauge group, reduce the number of supersymmetries and
generate chiral models in 4D as desired.
The reason for this is the following:
using the embedding by a shift
, we start with the
spectrum of the toroidal compactification and have to
project out all the states that are not invariant by the
orbifold twist. For the gauge group, only the elements
remain, where
, breaking the gauge group to a subgroup of the same
rank. The four gravitinos of the
toroidal compactification
also transform and depending on the orbifold twist
they are reduced to only one or two invariant states, indicating
that there is only
Actually there are only four twists
leading to
) and some twenty
twists leading to
[12], which are the phenomenologically
interesting ones. For each of these twists we can have several
) different embeddings on the gauge degrees of freedom.
One of these embeddings is called the standard embedding because
it acts identically in the gauge degrees of freedom as in
the 6D space, this embedding also describes
compactifications of the type II strings and is distinguished
because in the 2D worldsheet, the corresponding model has two
supersymmetries on the left-movers and two supersymmetries on the
right-movers, the corresponding models
are called
models. All other embeddings do not have
supersymmetry in the left moving side and are called
On top of all these embeddings we can also add Wilson lines
, by embedding the shifts
of the lattice defining the 6D compactified torus, on the
gauge degrees of freedom in terms of further shifts
of the 16D gauge lattice, which will
further break the gauge group. This increases the number of
possible consistent models by a large amount, which we
can only estimate between millions and billions
some may turn out to be actually equivalent.
The Wilson lines can also be interpreted as the full embedding
of the space group
in the gauge degrees
of freedom. In this case, using the two alternative embeddings mentioned
above will
give a completely different result because in the first case, both
and the Wilson lines
will act as shifts and so the embedding is
abelian, whereas in the second option we will have both shifts
and twists so the embedding is non-abelian. This possibility
allows for two important properties: the Wilson lines are continuous
rather than quantized and the rank of the gauge group can be reduced.
In the absence of Wilson lines both embeddings are
Both classes of embeddings can be obtained by starting with the
Narain lattice of toroidal compactifications
twist it in a consistent manner. This already takes into account the discrete
and continuous Wilson lines (which were already present,
) and also allows for the possibility of
performing left-right asymmetric twists, the so-called asymmetric
[14]. This extra degree of freedom increases the number of
possible models.
We can see now how a vast amount of heterotic string
orbifold models can be generated. There are many (billions?) classes
of models; different classes differentiated by the choice of
original 6D toroidal lattice, the orbifold point group, the embeddings
and the discrete Wilson lines. But each of these discrete
allows for a variation of different continuous parameters
such as the
moduli fields (like
), the continuous Wilson lines
(that correspond to charged untwisted sector moduli fields) and
there are also
charged twisted-sector moduli fields[15].
All the continuous parameters can be seen as flat potentials
for fields in the effective field theoretical effective action.
Only a few of these classes of models
includes quasi-realistic models. As an example
[16], the
model based on the orbifold with embedding
and nonvanishing Wilson lines
given by:
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